If you’ve been told:

“Your labs look great, so you’re fine!”

“Well, you are getting a little older

“Just eat less and move more

“This pill is the ONLY treatment

It’s just stress or worst of all…

It’s all in your head!”

Then you’re in the right place.

I have been there myself and understand the frustration and hopelessness of being ignored, gaslit, and brushed aside.

It is NOT all in your head or even a consequence of “normal” aging.

Our busy lives are filled with nearly constant stress, a “go, go, go!” mentality, fake and toxic “food,” poisonous personal care and household products, environmental toxins, medications (that can cause side effects and nutrient deficiencies), and the list goes on....all of which can cause harm at a cellular level and leave you feeling depleted, stressed, and just not “yourself”.

But don’t freak out!

You can be truly HAPPY & HEALTHY!

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine (FM) is the science of answering the WHY questions related to health…WHY are you exhausted all the time? WHY do you feel anxious for no reason?

FM practitioners work together with patients, using a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on addressing the root causes of illness rather than just treating the symptoms.

Organ systems are not viewed as isolated entities with separate problems.

Through FM, a person is viewed as a complex individual, recognizing that there are interconnected relationships between every cell in the body, biological processes, mental health, life experiences, spirituality, and the external world. The goal of Functional Medicine is to restore balance and optimal functioning so you can feel happy and healthy again!

How is Functional Medicine different from Conventional Medicine?

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Functional Medicine (FM) covered by insurance?

No, however, due to the individualized care you will receive, the length of appointments, amount of support, and advanced lab testing performed, the benefits greatly outweigh the cost. Unfortunately, in the Conventional Medicine (CM) model, insurance companies dictate how long your appointments can be (15 minutes!), what lab and diagnostic tests can be done, and even what treatment can be implemented.  Ask any CM provider, and they will tell you that dealing with insurance is a huge headache! By taking insurance companies out of the equation, we can simply do what is best for YOU.

Can I submit my lab work to insurance using a Superbill?

Yes, a Superbill with diagnostic codes can be provided and you can submit it to your insurance company. Some labs MIGHT be covered by insurance. But beware, it is often cheaper to pay out-of-pocket for labs. Example: the out-of-pocket price for a particular lab is $50. Through insurance, though, that lab “costs” $500, but the insurance company gives you a “discount,” bringing your total to $200. So you’d be better off paying out-of-pocket. Crazy, right? 

Can I use my Flex Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA) to cover FM services, labs, supplements, etc.?

Yes, many of our patients use their FSA/HSA to pay for visits, labs, and supplements. You will need to check with your FSA/HSA carrier for more information and details as to how these funds can be used. If you need any additional documentation, we are more than happy to help you with that! 

Do you see children in your practice?

Yes! We love kids and want to help them learn how to live healthy lives as early as possible. Sadly, the incidence of allergies, asthma, food sensitivities, skin conditions, anxiety, depression, and chronic disease is soaring in children.  When we  get our kids happy and healthy NOW, just think how much better off the next generation of adults will be! 

How long will it take to feel better using the FM approach?

FM is not a quick fix! Read that again. As mentioned before, FM focuses on the patient and what is best for that individual. We are all similar, but also oh so different! People are starting at different points in their health journey and have unique obstacles and circumstances to overcome, so no two journeys will be the same. However, with that said, once  your individualized plan of care is implemented, you’ll be amazed how much better you feel and how quickly! We want you feeling better as soon as possible, but it will take time, patience, and persistence to fully transform your health.

What kind of conditions can FM address?

Any condition can be improved or reversed through the FM approach to health. FM is particularly effective in treating chronic conditions, autoimmune disorders, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, or groups of symptoms that Conventional Medicine has been unable to “label” with a diagnosis. 

Can FM and Conventional Medicine (CM) be used together?

Of course! The two can be integrated together. The mission of FM is to do what is best for the individual patient, and collaboration between the FM practitioner and the CM provider is always encouraged.

If needed, can you/will you prescribe medication? 

Yes, as a FNP, Lauren can and will prescribe prescription medications when necessary. However, we believe all other options should be attempted first, including lifestyle, diet, and stress modifications, nutraceuticals, natural remedies, and supplementation. Remember, we are working to uncover and fix the root cause of illness, not mask the symptoms. 

I’ve heard of “XYZ” lab test. Can you run that test?

With insurance not a limiting factor in FM, if the test exists, we can order it for you!